Student Centered Class Asst App Updates
The most recent (on top of list) updates include:
- IOS (v3.40-3.50): Updates thru 10/7/24: Can pinch to resize group display text. Stability improvements. More options menu now has a previous page button. Group name entry was not visible on iPhones (fixed). Scrolling fix for seating charts with pictures on seats. Animation enhancements (minor) on seating chart displays. Reduced spacing between some menu options. Top of main menu compacted a little. Some menu options rearranged. Launch screen improvements. Import student list button slightly moved. Bug in drag and drop groups fixed. Performance improvements.
- IOS (v3.39): Updates thru 9/5/24: -Drag (for drag and drop) now has the requirement of holding what you want to drag for a short while until it picks it up. The way it was, accidental drags were too easy. -Fixed bugs in the Groups' Drag and Drop which could've potentially caused crashes -Introduced a slight delay in dragging on groups to prevent accidental drag-drop gestures. -Some of the 'blank' buttons on the more options page had unexpected abilities, which could've been a problem, so they were turned off. -The more options menu now has background images on the buttons. -The "Arrange Class Order" option ALSO was toggling whether to spread out seats. Oops. That was a copy-and-paste error. Fixed. -For new classes: Now the manage seating chart menu will offer only one option "Create Seating Chart" until a seating chart is created. Once it is created, that option is renamed to "Delete and Recreate Seating Chart From Scratch". Both options do the same as they used to, but this is trying to clarify and simplify what they do. Also some of the wording on the rows/columns prompts has changed slightly. -For new users and new classes, there are place holders for unavailable options rather than invisible buttons now, this helps visually now that we have images on menu options..
- IOS (v3.31-v3.38) Updates thru 9/4/24: Delete this class moved to 2nd menu page, View Seating Chart options moved to first page. Added ability to change the order of the classes listed. Title of "View Seating Chart" window is now the class name. Reduced space taken up by class selection buttons to support at leasst 24 classes on an iPad screen. Where classes said "(0 Student)" they now say "(0 Students)" instead. Can delete previously created groups. Can name previously created groups. For photo seatw, student names are now on the bottom of the picture with black text on a white background. There is now a delay before (after leaving the app and coming back in) it brings you back to main menu and class selection. Main menu options now have ai-generated bacakground images. "Take or Delete Photos" renamed to "Student Photo Management" and menu style changed to match other menus, as well as an update name label style. "Selected Text:" on main menu is now clickable and will bring up a full screen class selection. Performance improvements and bug fixes.
- IOS (v3.30) Updates thru 8/15/24: Minor Updates + (by request) a "View Seating Chart" option on page 2 of main menu (under "More options"), this is a non-interactive seating chart.
- 1/16/24 - 5/17/24: Did not update this website with details, but made some small changes, like fixing bugs (i.e. there was a new IOS bug where new classes didn't show menu options to use the class) or removing a background image on Group Display (made it slightly more read-able). IOS users can see release history on the app store, Google Play doesn't keep a history of changes so if i didn't keep track of small changes, there is no history.
- IOS (1/16/2024) 3.12: Corrected spelling of "Default" (it read something like "Defauilt") on more options menu (this was a typographical error).
- IOS (1/15/2024) 3.11: Received my first crash report (in the last 365 days) and saw where the error occured and corrected it. It appeared that this happened because there were no classes (either a recent class deleted, or a new user with no classes) and unexpectedly someone tried to use the "Selected Class" selector which resulted in the crash. With the new update, if that happens, it should no longer crash now.
- Android (1/14/2024): After receiving several crash reports on Android, attempted to correct a crash that might occur more often on low-memory devices (lower cost tablets, for example) -- When an app went into the background (i.e. home button pressed) when the app was restarted (without exiting in between) it may have lost it's internal state which might cause it to crash until restarted again. This update attempts, again, to correct that by better detecting when things restart and checking the state and correcting what can be corrected.
- IOS&Android (1/8/2024) 3.10: Adjusted the background image for the pick random student screen, as it may have been difficult to read text over it on some displays previously.
- IOS (1/6/2024) 3.09: Minor fixes - (1) Centering changes on Seating Charts for iPhone only, (2) If seating individual students (added after the seating chart creation), after all the individual students have been seated, it won't prompt you to select from a list (of no students) any longer, and (3) Some menu options had font size odd behaviors on the seating chart menu, this corrects some of that.
- IOS (12/30/2023) 3.07-3.08: -Importing student lists from CSV is now supported -Better centering vertically for seating charts -Now, if you delete the last student in class, it will take you out of the edit students area as there are no students
- IOS (12/29/2023) 3.06: When adding/editing students: (1) We now support storing the prefix, middle name, and suffix in addition to the main name fields, but we are not yet using these new name fields anywhere. This is in anticipation of better support for importing students (which is not here yet). (2) It is possible that the "+Add Student" button was missing in some cases, and this update is being released earlier than planned to try to correct that.
- Android (12/26/2023): Implemented a one-time "leave a review" 'in-app-review" prompt. It prompts at launch time, assuming the user has used enough of the app. Yes, it's safe to just tap away (outside the box) and not leave a review, but reviews are appreciated whether positive or constructive (i.e. suggesting area that can be improved, or missing features).
- IOS (12/24/2023): Fixed some centering issues (affects zooming), and adjusted a menu font size.
- Android (12/21/2023): To student name, addded "Prefix","Suffix", and "Middle Name" and additionally are importing those from .xlsx/.csv files when importing student lists. THESE FIELDS ARE OPTIONL AND DO NOT NEED TO BE FILLED IN.
- IOS & Android (12/16/2023): Adjustments to the Pick a Random Student screen.
- Android (12/15/2023): CSV AND Excel importing now supports either "short name" or "nick name" labelled field.
- Android: (12/12/2023) CSV importing of student list supported, works like excel support below.
- Android: (12/11/2023) Excel importing of student list now supported. Columns headers must include "First Name" and "Last Name"
- Android: (12/10/2023) Changes made to reduce error messages on imports that otherwise worked.
- IOS: (12/10/2023) New Backup and Restore function (android version already had) lets you save the data file to your device, then either (1) use that as a backup, and go back to it if you change something you didn't want to, or (2) E-mail it as an attachment (for example) to another device (whether it's IOS or Android) to restore (replace the data file) there. When you restore, you lose your existing data, it gets replaced by the copy you restored. The data files are interchangable between Android and IOS.
- IOS (12/10/2023): For numeric-only fields (initializing seating charts and groups) now a number-focused keyboard will come up, and non-numeric keys won't enter anything. ALSO: Unset (beige) seats now have slightly rounded edges, they may not perfectly match other colors, but they're more natural than they were.
- Android (12/9/2023): Seating Chart Custom Backgrounds Supported.
- Android (12/9/2023): Centering fix for custom layouts.
- Android (12/8/2023): Bug Fix for custom-layout seating chart printing.
- IOS (iPad/iPhone) v.2.89 (12/9/2023): Spreading out seats is now off by default, but is now toggle-able on the more options menu. For custom layouts, I decided some people may not want the seats spread out. When spreading out seats is turned off, it should do a better job of centering the seating chart on screen (better than it was, but I have another improvement to this planned). There were corrections to seating chart printing. Also, the interface was cleaned up (attention paid to titles of screens, some were missing or wrong)
- IOS(iPad/iPhone), Android : Printed seating charts now have a class name on them.
- iOS 2.81: Add students page student list now includes a count of students
- iOS 2.74: Seats area now spaced out across the screen (by request) if they are smaller than the screen space can pinch larger.. Later update made this optional.
- iOS 2.72: Select your own backgrounds for seating charts.. More custom backgrounds may follow, but not yet. It was easier to support this on seating charts because there is no text being overlayed over the background image, if text is displayed over a random image it has to be a little color-aware of that image (for example, black text over a dark area of an image will be unreadable). There are ways to work around that for other screens, but it's more work and not yet a priority.
- iOS: 2.68: By request, randomizing seating assignments is a new option. There were bugs in this version that were fixed later.
- IOS: When editing a student, you can now also pick from a seating chart rather than picking from a list.
- IOS:2.64 "by request", initial version of student photo support, unsure if i will do more with this, send feedback if you use it and want it to do more -- right now it places the photos on the seating chart.
- ALL VERSIONS (~8/22/2023): Pinch to Zoom on seating charts now save the zoom level. Android: Pinch to zoom improved on seating charts (there were bugs, now fixed).
- IOS (formerly iPad) version 2.58 corrects some issues with iPhone support, and adds pinch to zoom on most seating charts (already on android version) & on student lists on "Add Students" page, you can now tap a student name to edit that name (not on android yet).
- IOS (formerly iPad) version 2.50 adds iPhone Support
- IOS Version 2.10 corrects the blank launch screen by adding an icon
- IOS version 2.08 Adds the ability to move students to a different class (Android Already Had This)
- IOS version 2.06 and Android Updated as well: Renamed "Track Homework" to "Homework Tracking" and "Track Attendance" to "Attendance Tracking" which makes the first word of the option the more important word in identifying what the options do -- in other words, it might make using it easier.
- IOS version 2.02 - Now saves the pinch to zoom level on viewing randomly picked students (android version already had this)